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Crested Tit Kuusamo, Finland

Small Birds

Easy access to the most iconic small birds in Europe

Finland has a fine selection of interesting birds. Our location at the crossroads of north and south, west and east offers easy access to some of the most iconic birds in Europe. Indeed, many northern and eastern bird species that are not easy to find elsewhere in Europe thrive here. In addition, there are excellent chances of photographing many of the more common northern forest birds as well.

Small bird photography in Oulu and Kuusamo regions

Finnature maintains several bird feeders in our main area of operation. These feeders attract many handsome birds, simply waiting to be captured.

In Oulu, common garden birds visit our feeders in winter. Lively Great and Blue Tit, Willow and Crested Tit, Yellowhammer and Eurasian Bullfinch are quick in their movements and the photographers needs to be ready! Eurasian Jays, on the other hand, need more caution as they are very timid birds. Our hides in Oulu have different perches and light systems for versatile photography. Even the most common birds are interesting photography subjects. In summer, Spotted Nutcracker and Ortolan Bunting represent more rare breeders in Oulu area.

In Kuusamo, old spruce forests spread out vast and wide. Here, many birds are specialized in old-growth forest habitat: Eurasian Bullfinch, Siberian Jay, Siberian Tit and Crested Tit are just some of the forest birds that are at hand for interesting photography. In more open areas in Kuusamo live the rare Little Bunting and Rustic Bunting, and White-throated Dippers fly and swim cheerfully in the clear rivers.

In some years, Finland sees an invasion of berry-eating passerines in the autumn and winter: big flocks of Pine Grosbeaks and Bohemian Waxwings will empty the Rowan trees before moving on in their quest for food. They make for good photography targets.

Ask for more about small bird photography opportunities from Finnature office.

A fine selection of Woodpeckers

Finland is home to a total of seven Woodpecker species. These birds are specialized in finding food under tree bark and rely heavily on rotten wood in their distribution. Woodpeckers can be found in wooded areas all over Finland.

Black Woodpecker is a powerful bird with distribution ranging almost throughout the whole Finland. It often gives loud, characteristic calls and lets the photographer know when it’s arriving. Black Woodpeckers can be photographed during their breeding season in May-June, but the best site for them is at our local partner’s Golden Eagle hide in Kuusamo in winter. Here, a feeder attracts Black Woodpecker to visit almost daily during the winter. Grey-headed Woodpecker, which seems to be spreading from south to north, has visited this site for several winters as well.

Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker is a specialized forest bird. Therefore they very rarely visits feeders. These distinctive black-and-white birds are widely spread yet more rarely seen. Three-toed Woodpecker is a true forest bird. They prefer old forests with a good proportion of deadwood. Three-toed Woodpeckers can best be photographed during their breeding season in May-June. In some years, we can offer hide photography in nest sites.

Hardly bigger than a Sparrow, the Lesser-spotted Woodpecker is the smallest Woodpecker in Europe. In Finland, Lesser-spotted Woodpecker can be found throughout the country in deciduous forests that contain a good amount of rotten wood. Usually this tiny bird can be located by its characteristic fast drumming and calls. Lesser-spotted Woodpecker can be photographed during their breeding season in May-June and occasionally in winter as well.

Great-spotted Woodpecker is the most common Woodpecker in Finland. It visits feeders eagerly. It can be photographed at Finnature’s feeders in Oulu. White-backed Woodpecker is the least common Woodpecker in Finland, inhabiting special deciduous forests in the south-eastern parts of the country. Wryneck is a summer visitor and is unfortunately often difficult to photograph.

Photo Tours

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Birds of Prey

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Finland's northern Grouse are truly wonderful photo targets

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Small Birds

Finland is an easy access to some of the most iconic birds in Europe

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Wetland Birds

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